Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Pumpkin Fest: Pumpkin Scone Mix Review

Brad's mom sent us some goodies from King Arthur Flour, including a box of Whole Grain Harvest Pumpkin Scone Mix! I want to share this with you, because even though it's not my own recipe, it's something I would highly recommend having in your oven! The spicy smell in our oven this morning, has me in the mood for a spooktacular day!

First, the nuts and bolts: This mix is pretty healthy, it makes 16 mini scones and a serving is about two of those. If you just eat that much you are getting 5 grams of dietary fiber (20 % of your recommended daily amount). No crazy ingredients...just "pumpkin flakes" which I imagine just means dehydrated pumpkin. It is a bit high on the sugar- 22 g for just two mini scones, but it's Halloween, so I'm not really concerned about my sugar intake for today! :o) Not too bad on the fat, 20% of your daily amount, mostly due to the butter that the recipe calls for. I think you could get away with adding half as much butter and substituting apple sauce or sour cream/buttermilk/yogurt if you are really concerned about that. They're REALLY filling, probably because they are so high in fiber, so don't worry about eating too many. You can't.

Now on to the method. The instructions were very easy to follow, simple and clear. The dough came together quickly and baked up in less than 15 minutes. There are also instructions for variations, including stirring crystallized ginger into the dry ingredients before adding the wet ingredients. (Doesn't that sound gorgeous?!)

The dough doesn't really expand very much, (although it might if you add the extra acid in those butter substitutes I listed...) but the scones are still fluffy and moist! They had a delicious flavor, a little sweet for a scone, but I'm not complaining!

My scones weren't as pretty as the ones in the photo on the box (Next time I'll be more careful about smoothing out the dough after I put it in the pan.) but I'm still really happy with this mix and would be proud to serve these scones to my friends and family!
Here are King Arthur's Scones...

...And my scones


** Oh, in case you are wondering how I got my scones to be so perfectly triangular, Brad's mom also sent us a mini scone rocks!

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