Eat to the Beat! is the recipient of a Stylish Blogger Award! A big thank you to Christina over at Home Says Hello, and of Eat to the Beat! guest posting fame, for bestowing this honor upon my humble corner of the internet! In order to receive this award I'm required to tell you 7 things about myself and to nominate 15 other blogs. I think I'll save my 7 things for another day and I'm pretty new to the blogging community. So, in order to get to know people, if you have a blog, and would like to be nominated, leave a comment below with a link to your blog no later than 12 am (EST) February 16, 2011. There may be a prize involved for my very favorite blog! If you don't have a blog, I still want to hear from you! I'm putting the next post in your hands, dear readers!
I have a back log of baking ideas, because I've been so busy with school! I can't bake them all, so here is where you come in. Just take a look at the recipe descriptions below, and cast your vote in the poll widget to tell me which recipe you would like to try out for yourself:
Snowball Cupcakes: I am one of ten people nationwide who love Sno Balls . As good as these "edible" treats are, they're out of this world without the excessive amounts of preservatives and artificial ingredients. Also, I have recently learned that New England is the home of Marshmallow Fluff, and I am eager to use it in a recipe!
Milanos: I made these last February at my previous job (Hey, Tracie!) and I have a hankering for them again. High quality chocolate sandwiched between homemade shortbread cookies? YES PLEASE!
Champagne Cupcakes: I was hoping to do this one for Valentine's day, but I'm just not going to have time. Brad is anti-Valentine's Day on the grounds that you should show your love every day. So, on that note, this recipe is in the poll for you to make any time you're feeling romantic...if it receives your vote.
Samoas: Did you know Girl Scout cookies are going for $4.50 a box?? As much as I support girl power, I can only afford a maximum of two boxes a year. My favorite Girl Scout cookie variety is the Samoa (aka Caramel Delight). I feel like I get fewer and fewer cookies every year, and I just gotta have more! (Thin Mints are acceptable, but all you Peanut Butter Patty people can take a hike!) So, I'm making them myself, for those times of the year when it's too cold to park your troop outside the local megamart but you really need that caramel-y, toasted coconut-y, chocolate drizzled goodness.
I love Valentine's Day! But not for typical reasons --- I like the kid version and cutting shapes out of doilies and eating my food off of plates with hearts on them, haha.
ReplyDeleteAnd I like cheesy valentine's day jokes/riddles. I hope you make the cupcakes <3
And I was referring to the champagne cupcakes :)